Thursday, January 2, 2014

Scrappy Resolutions 2014

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I am still enjoying time with my family before everyone goes back to work and school. It is so nice to hang out together. I'm not enjoying the weather though. We are in the middle of a deep freeze. Yesterday, I think it went down to -50 celcius with the wind chill. Airlines diverted their flights because of the cold.

I'm hoping that if I write down a few scrappy resolutions for all the world to see/judge, I will be more inclined to complete them.

This year, I hope to catch up with my layouts. I have gotten a bit behind. I will document 2012 and 2013.

This year, I would like to journal on each and every layout.

This year, I will have more fun with all my scrappy toys and my fabulous and inspirational cropping and scrapping friends! (In person and afar)

Who's in???


  1. I'm in!!!!!!!!!!! I love ALL your resolutions! I want to scrap more for myself this year. happy New Year!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm in. Check out my post from yesterday. It pretty much says the same as you.
