Monday, January 13, 2014

Scrapbooking = Happiness

I am a voracious reader. I am in a bookclub with some lovely ladies. I read for pleasure, I read for my bookclub and I read to scope out potential bookclub books. Every month, over wine and snacks we discuss our current selection as well as potentials for the future. That brings me to a potential book I am reading today. It is called, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

This book was written in 2009 so it has been around for awhile. I have carried this book to hockey practice, and a few strangers have told me how much they enjoyed it. Great conversation starter!

The author of this book spends a year using a variety of techniques to increase her happiness. As I am reading it, I keep thinking of my own life. One area I wanted to talk about was scrapbooking. She discusses her research into keeping a "treasure house of happy memories". She says that, "Studies show that recalling happy times helps boost happiness in the present." I have to agree with her on this one. I love watching my children look over the family scrapbooks. They smile and laugh.

I was so inspired to keep scrappin' when I read this!

Gretchin Rubin also researched common interests amongst friends. She discovered that, "each common interest between people boosts the chances of a lasting relationship and also brings about a 2 percent increase in life satisfaction."

In other words, you, my scrappy/bloggy friends DO make me feel happy!


  1. and so do you!!!!!!! I totally agree with you and her..... It has been thru scrapbooking that my life and long lasting relationships have truly changed. I am so happy you are in my world! Happy day to you my sweet friend!

  2. That is wonderful, maybe I will pick it up for a read. I do agree, my kids still love (even with all of the electronics we have) to pick-up scrap books and look through them and hear about the story behind the picture. My girlfriend and I just talked recently about getting back into scrapbooking this year so I hope we can pull it off!
    Thanks for the book advice :)
