Monday, December 30, 2019

Happy New Year! Heading to 2020...

I blinked and it's already been a year! The year 2019 has been great for scrapbooking. I was able to create many layouts catching up on 2018. Going to an all day crop fuels my creativity in scrapbooking. If I prepare and pack well, I can make quick work with my photo memories. I whole-heartily recommend a day cropping with friends. It's good for your soul and your crafts.

I also taught some classes this year. I taught a Cricut Explore card class with Close to my Heart products in June and a children's card-making class.

This fall, I made over 120 holiday cards and a few gifts as well.

Now for my crafty goals for 2020, I would like to design a December Daily type of scrapbooking for my Christmas pictures but I would like it incorporated in a 12X12 album. Has anyone done this before?
I would also like to continue to have fun scrapbooking alone and with friends.

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