Thursday, December 28, 2017

Scrappy resolutions for 2018

Happy New Year!

Every January I like to publicly publish my scrapbooking/crafty intentions for the year ahead. I also reflect on the resolutions from the previous year. Did I keep my best intentions or did I fail miserably?

My 2017 Resolutions and Aspirations

#1 - Scrapbook the rest of 2016. I am up to the month of May.

#2 - Share more projects (layouts, cards and cutting files) on my blog and Facebook.

#3 - Play with pocket-style layouts a bit more. I have dabbled a bit in this type of scrapbooking but have found it difficult to fill all the pockets and remember to print the photos the correct way. Practice needed.

I think I did well this year. I did use pocket scrapbooking more and I found it makes for quick work once you get going.

I could still share more projects online though...

Well, here goes...

My 2018 Scrappy Resolutions

#1 - Relax, have fun and create

That's it.

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