Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A call for thank you cards

In December, I wrote a blog post about another crafty blogger. I talked about crafters who create on the go and I gave examples such as those who make cards from hospital bedsides. This was not a random example, I was writing about


She would make thank you cards while sitting with her husband during his chemotherapy treatments. That entire post and projects were because I thought of her trying to make cards to thank those who were helping her family during her husband's illness. It saddens me to say that her husband lost his battle with cancer last week. Here is the link to his


Debbie is a sweet lady with four young children. I cannot believe she still was making cards through all of this. She would like to give out more thank you cards to all of her support. I am going to mail off some I have in my stash and would like to pass on her address if anyone else is interested.

Debbie Butcher 1623 Gruenther Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, 20851

Here is my post that is secretly about her

Quick Christmas Cards on the fly

Thank you so much and have a great day!

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