Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Day 8 of holiday inspiration - Quick holiday cards on the fly

One thing I have learned while reading scrapbooking blogs is that many crafters are creating on the go. Many are not nestled in their scrap rooms full of supplies with a cup of tea. They are pulling out paper while sitting in a hospital or their child's harp lesson.

This post is for all of you.

All of these papers are from one stack (DCWV The Winter Holiday).

I could have easily kept on going with this card-making.

Thank you for stopping in! I hope you can join me for day 9 of holiday inspiration.


  1. I am so with you! I love all your cards! Great inspiration. Happy 12-12-12!

  2. What cute cards! I need to buy myself some more stacks :)


  3. :) You are so sweet and I am so blessed to have blog friends out there supporting me :) God Bless.

