Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 6 of Holiday inspiration - Crafting with kids

Welcome to Day 6 of my holiday projects!
One reason *excuse* I have not been creating or blogging is because I am volunteering as a girl guide leader this year. My troop loves to craft/create/scrapbook/crochet. They cannot get enough of these types of projects. I have been busy this fall planning their crafty activities with the other guide leader.

Last Monday, we made some Christmas ornaments and holiday picture frames. The girls cut up scrapbook paper and mod podged it to an unfinished wooden frame. (bought for 97 cents at Walmart)

We put out holiday paper, buttons, twine, stickers and chipboard. With my Cricut, I cut out some festive words like "holidays", "Christmas" and "2012". I also suggest covering the table with newspaper as the guides used alot of mod podge.

I think these frames will be a lovely gift for the girls to give out this December!

Hope to see you tomorrow for Day 7!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I bet the girls loved doing this :)

