Friday, July 27, 2012

Olympic Excitement

Yikes! I have been an absent blogger this month. I have barely scrapped a thing at all. We have been too busy with a family wedding, a trip to the lake and time in the swimming pool. On the plus side, I will have tons of photos to scrap in the fall!

The London Games have just begun, my husband is watching the opening ceremonies. This just makes me reflect back two years. In 2010, our family was completely caught up in olympic fever! Canada was hosting and we felt part of it all. I took my kids one COLD morning and we got to see the torch run. This moment was amazing! I will never forget it and I am so glad we went. It was so cold that my camera had trouble taking the photos.

Later that day, we were able to hold a used torch from the run!

See the soot.

I also took my kids to The Royal Canadian Mint, where they had the olympic medals on display.

Of course, our family had an olympic celebration at our home! Each family member chose a food that they thought would fit the theme. My son chose onion rings.

Good luck to all the athletes! I wish everyone all the best during these games no matter what country you are cheering for!