Friday, June 22, 2012

Graduation centerpieces take - 2

Two years ago, I made these centerpieces for my son's grade four graduation. Now it is time for my daughter to leave for middle school. I tracked them down in storage at the school but realized that they needed some repairs. Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone and changed them up a bit.

These pots were only 50 cents each to begin with, so I didn't mind purchasing some pencils for an added element as well as some acrylic paint to jazz them up. I recruited my MIL to help with the painting while I re-cut a few school supplies and re-glued a few more. The ruler idea I got from here My Happy Place
I love the new look but can't believe how quickly my children are growing.


  1. My friend, what a great refurbish! These are just as adorable as they were before -- just more "polished". Love it!
