Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sympathy cards

Santa brought me some distress inks for Christmas. I decided to play with them and make some cards at the same time. My goal was to create the effect of frost on a window using the inks. Yes, I should mention that it is freezing here in Winnipeg today and there is frost on many windows!

I am having fun playing and creating inside the warm house!
I am entering these cards for the challenge at Fantabulous Cricut. Their challenge this week is to create a project with a snowman or snowflake. Please click the link to play along.


  1. These are lovely. I like how you kept the colours to a minimum - CAS cards can be so beautiful. :) It's funny how we can use the *cold* to inspire us, right? At least Winter is good for something. lol!

    Nita (aka Freezing in Calgary)

  2. Great job with the distress inks. I like the blue pearl center of the snowflake too. Thanks for joining us for the FCCB challenge this week.
