Sunday, July 31, 2011

Underwater fun

We are having a wonderful hot summer up here this year! Our family has been in our swimming pool almost every day. Here is a pool/water tip from me to you - maybe we can call it Tracey's Tip?

I do not have an underwater or water resistant camera. Soooo, every summer I purchase a disposable water-proof camera. I literally throw it in the pool with my kids. It's so inexpensive, I don't worry about it and it floats.

The pictures turn out great! I always get some super layouts like this one.

I bought this camera at Wal-Mart for $10. I did phone around though to find a place that would develop it because it is film and not digital.

Have a splashy good time!


  1. What a great picture from that inexpensive camera!!! And the layout is just perfect for it! Great job!

  2. We have one of the underwater camera's that take film but the film can be replaced. We bought it for our trips to Cuba but never thought about using it in the pool! lol Thanks for the awesome idea!

  3. Super cute lay-out!


  4. Underwater pics are my favorite. I have an Olympus underwater one my hubby got me a few years ago but used to use these before that. Love your layout!

    Debbie B (can't log in and comment for some reason AGAIN)
