Sunday, July 31, 2011

Underwater fun

We are having a wonderful hot summer up here this year! Our family has been in our swimming pool almost every day. Here is a pool/water tip from me to you - maybe we can call it Tracey's Tip?

I do not have an underwater or water resistant camera. Soooo, every summer I purchase a disposable water-proof camera. I literally throw it in the pool with my kids. It's so inexpensive, I don't worry about it and it floats.

The pictures turn out great! I always get some super layouts like this one.

I bought this camera at Wal-Mart for $10. I did phone around though to find a place that would develop it because it is film and not digital.

Have a splashy good time!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My new scrap space and a quick card

My DH has been working hard this summer to create an office/scrap room. I am in the process of moving everything from my master bedroom to the basement. I am thrilled to have this bit of space as my creative spot!

The embellishment center is from a yard sale. My DH just re-painted it white.

Over the years, I have received Jet Max shelves as birthday gifts. I am so happy to have them!

I just read a tip on the DCWV blog to label the spines of your stacks. It's so much easier to find them now.

Quick card -

The shoes are cut from the Forever Young cartridge. I covered them with Glossy Accents so they would look patent. The shoes paper is by DCWV - All About the Girls.

Friday, July 22, 2011

I scream for ice cream

Every summer, our family visits this ice cream stand. We buy soft cones and walk across their pedestrian bridge. Of course, I take a picture every time as well...

This layout started with a sheet of open stock paper from Micheals by Recollections. I chopped it up so I could personalize it for the Bridge Drive In. The bridge is actually the Golden Gate bridge from the Destinations cartridge with waves from the Going Places cartridge. I dressed up the cone a bit with paper sprinkles (hand cut), a paper cover (hand cut) and Glossy Accents. I embossed the picture mat so it would match the polka dot grey paper.

I am entering this layout for Fantabulous Cricut's ice cream challenge this week. You should see all the yummy ice cream and popsicle cards!

I am also entering this layout at Cricut 360. Their challenge this week is the Outdoors. This new challenge site is pretty cool.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Get "well" soon

For this card, I designed everything on my Gypsy. I didn't even have a well on any of my cartridges so I even had to make that using triangles, squares and rectangles (kind of like tangrams lol).

Here is a picture of my Gypsy file for this card just to give you an idea of how I put it together.

I welded my well shapes together and then welded those to a rectangle to create the A2 card. I then welded the grass from Sports Mania to the front of the well.

Lastly, the sentiment is from the Beyond Birthdays cartridge. The pail is from the Old West cartridge, the cloud is from Create a Critter and the sun is just an oval from George. Most of my cuts are either inked or chalked. I also did some embossing using my scoring blade.

Now I must go pop this in the mail!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Canada Day blog hop winner

Thank you everyone for all your sweet comments during the blog hop! Thank you to my hosts for putting this together and thank you to the others on the hop for all their work. Lastly, thank you to those who have linked "Canada Day " projects at Tara's blog. Mr Linky will remain open until July the 7th.

I used random . org to generate a winner and the winner is

Tracey, please email me at the cropping canuck at yahoo dot com with your address so I can mail your prize to you (and I can mail it now that the postal strike is over).

Friday, July 1, 2011

Canada Blog Hop + candy

Welcome to the CANADA DAY Blog Hop hosted by Tara & Jacqueline!  If you are here from Michelle , then you are in the right spot. If you would like to start at the beginning please click here In honour of Canada Day ,we are all making a project with a Canadian theme!

Our family loves celebrating Canada Day! We always take pictures in our Canada shirts. For this layout, I used scraps of Canada printed paper by Around the Block. I used my Gypsy to cut the large maple leaf and the large stamp shape from the Gypsy Wanderings cartridge. The banner cuts are all from Birthday Bash. I just love the font and banner features on that cartridge. The Canada tag is from Destinations, I added some Gloss to the leaf to jazz it up a bit.

Blog Hop Prizes for commenting and for linking up projects on stop #1.

The Scrapbooking Cafe - 3 X $10.00 GC

Bugaboo Digital Stamps --- 7 Digital Stamps

Pink By Design --- Canadian Stamp Set

My Stamping Studio -Lime Twist Products pack from My Mind's Eye

Digis With Attitude! --- $10.00 GC

Graphic Cat Creations --- Freebie + $15.00 GC

One Crazy Stamper --- $25.00 GC

Here is my blog candy for this hop. A pack of all my favourite adhesives! Included in this pack are Pop Dots, Zig fine tipped glue pen, and 1/4 inch Scotch Gold ATG tape.

Please leave me a comment and contact info if you would like to be included in the draw. Please leave me a second comment if you are a follower so you can get a second entry. I will keep this open until Wednesday morning and then post the winner.

HAPPY HOLIDAY WEEKEND! This contest is now closed