Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Simple sympathy

I had no mojo yesterday but still needed to make these cards. I, Tracey, vow to make a set of sympathy cards at my next crop so I always have some on hand.

I think the Core'dinations paper makes them pretty! The butterfly is from the Roy G. Biv stack and the blue is from the Vintage Collection. The butterfly is embossed with the Polka Dots folder. I distressed everything with DH's sand paper then cleaned them off with a Dust Buddy.

I am entering these cards at Getting Cricky with K Andrew. One of her challenges this week is called, "All a flutter."


  1. Wow, if you lost your mojo your cards sure came out beautiful!

  2. These came out great, you should enter them over at Getty Cricky she is having All a Flutter Challenge!

  3. HI Canuck--I'm now following your awesome blog! This is a GREAT idea--one I need to pay attention to. Why I never think to make more than one card at a time is beyond me. I'm stealing this idea!
    Your cards are perfect, and I love them!
    PS I'm new your newest follower!
    I am now following your sweet blog!
    Thank you soooo much for playing along in my Simply Sunday Challenge!

    Big Cricky Hugs,
    K Andrew
