Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog business - trying to get caught up

I am so happy to announce that I will be part of a blog hop on Friday featuring Cream City Ribbon. My project(s) will be a recycled Christmas item... So please check back Friday!

Thank you so much for thinking of me Nicole, Heather and Ducky! I'm sorry I'm soo late with this.

Hmm... Eight things about me???

1. Well, my first name is Tracey, I'm not sure people know this.
2. I have 2 kids. One of each.
3. I am a SAHM who keeps intending on going back to work.
4. I worked briefly as a Cricut Demonstrator and loved every second of it!
5. I used to be a teacher.
6. I get together with girlfriends once a month and spend an entire day scrapping.
7. I am not ready for Christmas...
8. I am addicted to my blogger dashboard. I love reading many blogs and seeing everyone's fabulous projects and ideas. Thank you! I pass this award to all my gals and scrap guy too!

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