Monday, July 5, 2010

Canada Day Blog Hop winner

I need to start by saying how much fun I had being part of this blog hop! I loved being part of this and I adored all the nice comments I got on my projects. Thank you to Heather for putting this together and to Nicole for suggesting me!

On to my first winner...

The winner is Celeste B.!!!!!

Please contact me at thecroppingcanuck at yahoo dot com


  1. Way to go, Celeste!!
    I had so much fun with the Blog Hop too! I hope that we can do it again!!

  2. YEAH!!!! Thanks so much. I just sent you an e-mail. THANK YOU!!! That really was a great blog hop!

  3. Congratulations to Celeste!
    How are you doing????? Happy Tuesday!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower, love to have new visitors and comments.
