Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Challenges

This week I decided to try another SOUS sketch. Here is the sketch this week. When I saw this sketch, I immediately thought it looked like a snow hill and tried to make the layout accordingly. I'm not sure crumpling the paper made it more snow-like but at least it added some dimension. I also didn't want my layout to look like Leah's (SOUS design team) because hers is also a snow layout.

This layout also qualifies for the Practical Scrappers challenges which was to use something from your stash that is over a year old. The vellum I used for this layout is at least a few years old. I bought it and then wasn't sure what to do with it.

The font I used is called Frosty (I had to use it). I snuck into a friend's SCAL.


  1. I LOVE this layout and what you did with it. How original! Thank you for using your stash with us over at Practical Scrappers.


  2. Super fun layout--love your font choice too!

  3. Aw, great fun page. Glad you could use the sketch. I missed it this week but can't wait to go back and try it! Thanks for joining us at SOUS.

  4. wow... great use of the sketch! Nice job on our challenge at Practical Scrappers as well!!! Thanks for playing along!

  5. Oh come had WAY more snow then I did! LOL!
    Looks great and love that font!
    Glad you joined in again!


  6. great , fun layout. love it
    thanks for taking part at PS

  7. What a great job you've done with the sketch...and you are right, it does look like a snow hill...I love the photos and all the journaling you've done...just fantastic...thanx so much for playing along with us this week!

  8. Hi there, you won my blog candy but I dont have an email for you so if you could check my blog and email me that would be great...
