Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Challenges

This week I decided to try another SOUS sketch. Here is the sketch this week. When I saw this sketch, I immediately thought it looked like a snow hill and tried to make the layout accordingly. I'm not sure crumpling the paper made it more snow-like but at least it added some dimension. I also didn't want my layout to look like Leah's (SOUS design team) because hers is also a snow layout.

This layout also qualifies for the Practical Scrappers challenges which was to use something from your stash that is over a year old. The vellum I used for this layout is at least a few years old. I bought it and then wasn't sure what to do with it.

The font I used is called Frosty (I had to use it). I snuck into a friend's SCAL.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Disney 2009

Hi Guys! I wanted to post a few layouts from our Disney World trip last year. I was so inspired and awed by the beautiful layouts posted on the Cricut Messageboard. I have subscribed to so many album threads and have truly enjoyed looking at them. I would like to thank JBock on the messageboard for her creativity and beautiful layouts. I would also like to thank her for her help and for not issuing a restraining order when I started asking her questions. lol You can check out her work for yourself here.
I would also like to mention Melissa Allore for her amazing Disney layouts and Disney knowledge. Her blog is here.

Locally, my friends Laura and Laura let me use their Disney cartridges for a long period of time while I finished my album. I had so much fun with Mickey Font and the Princesses. Not so much fun putting their eyes on though...

I'm sorry I had to cover our faces in the pictures.

Hollywood Studios

Toy Story Mania was our favorite ride of all! The kids loved it. I tried to recreate the feeling of the ride with the layout. We also had a blast at the Stunt Show because our homemade vacation t-shirts got us comfortable, front row VIP seats.

Animal Kingdom

I had so much fun buying and using fun animal print paper. I ended up buying way more than I needed.


We only spent half a day in Epcot so I don't have as many layouts. I know there isn't much to look at on my rocket launch layout, just a spec in a dark sky but I had to scrapbook it just because it was such a neat moment for us. My children also loved the Kim Possible Missions at Epcot. I had no ideas for scrapbooking this so I just printed off a Google image.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Challenge Attempt

One of the reasons I started this blog was to play along with all the wonderful online challenges. This is my first attempt. It is based on this SOUS sketch.

Another feature of the challenge is to use four different printed papers that you wouldn't ordinarily use. I decided to do a layout of my daughter and to use printed papers chosen by her. These are almost all open stock paper from Michaels that she wanted me to buy for my scrapbooking.

The flower and sunglasses are cut from the Paisley cartridge. The gems, pearls and lace are all from the dollar store.

I think this layout captures my daughters "fancy" side!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thinking of Ewe

I made this card for my super-crafty grandmother. I think she is going to love it. The sheep and the grass from this card are cut from the Paperdolls cartridge. The sentiment is printed from the computer on a cartouche from the Sweethearts cartridge.. The sheep is popdotted and put through the Cuttlebug using the Divine Swirls folder. The ribbon is from the dollar store.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Playing with the Cuttlebug

I love the Cuttlebug embossing folders! I just need to practice my sanding techniques on the color core paper. Preferably without ripping the paper...

This is a new baby card cut with the Doodlecharms cartridge. The font is Cuttin' Up. The embossing folder is Swiss Dots and the ribbon is from the dollar store. The color core paper is DoubleMates.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Prima giveaway

Prima is having two more giveaways this week in conjunction with their big reveal.