Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome 2016!

Anybody out there make some scrappy resolutions? I try to make some each year. Last year, I did well. I am up to August 2015 in our family scrapbook. I think the only reason I'm not more up to date is because Christmas projects take so much time. Therefore, my first resolution is to take less time on Christmas projects! Just kidding...

My 2016 Scrappy Resolutions

#1 Finish scrapping 2015.

#2 Create a Christmas 2015 album. I am considering a pocket-style album for this which I have never done before.

#3 Learn the Design Space Android App as soon as it is released.

#4 Take more photos!

#5 Have fun with vinyl. I have been playing a bit with vinyl and would like to try some HTV.

Here is a coffee station with wall vinyl that my husband and I created this December.