Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas tags - day 12

Woohoo! I am done making my holiday cards. I made 50 for friends and family and 30 for the hubs'co-workers. Today, I am going to show some gift tags that my daughter and I have created.

These tags were featured in the Cricut Craft Room last week. They were free but can now be purchased for $7.49. The cartridge is called Cricut Craft Room Exclusives Holiday Gift Tags.

For these tags we were playing with washi tape purchased from the Dollar Store. (Dollarama)

Thank you for visiting me during my 12 days of Christmas cards! I appreciate it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas card to mass produce - day 11

Yikes, I guess I fell off the blogging Earth last week. It was just one of "those" weeks but I'm happy to say this week is already much better.

The hubs asked me to make 30 cards for him to give to co-workers. I wanted to make a card that could apply to anyone one celebrating this holiday season. (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa etc.) It also had to be easy to create multiples of. Fussy Cricut cuts were definitely out of the question.

I love how all 30 turned out!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Curling Christmas card - day 10

This week, our city is hosting a major curling competition called Roar of the Rings. The winners from the week will represent Canada in the winter olympics. Everyone around me is super excited about the curling! That is what inspired this card.

If you are unfamiliar with curling, "hurry hard" is what they yell at the sweepers who sweep the path in front of the sliding rock.

Thanks for stopping in! See you Monday for day 10 of Christmas cards.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Penguins card - day 9

Welcome to day nine of Christmas cards!

This was the free cut file on Tuesday. If you are looking for it in the Cricut Craft Room, it's called Holiday Cards 33.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Twelve days of Christmas cards - day 8

Eight cards done! I think this is my favorite so far.

I took this photo last Christmas of my two kids admiring the tree. I used Cricut Craft Room to make a polaroid frame.

Thanks for stopping in!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Zumba Santa Christmas card - day 7

I had to make a card for my fitness instructor! I have been doing tons of zumba classes this fall and honestly had wanted to make a card like this last Christmas but ran out of time.

This Santa is from the Jolly Holidays Cricut cartridge but I changed him up a bit to look like he is working out. Originally, he was the beach Santa from the cartridge.

Now I am off to zumba!

Thank you for popping by!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Elf movie Christmas card - day 6

Welcome to day 6 of my Christmas card showcase! Our family was watching Elf the other day and it inspired me to design this card. We love that movie!

I also need to add that, strangely enough, Will Ferrell is in our city today to cover a curling match as the character Ron Burgundy.